“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”- Nelson Mandela
What does Mind Over Matter BLUEPRINT have in store for you?
A 3-day Course + 4 Bonus Programs + 1-2 -1 Coaching
Total Value of INR 39,994.00
In this program you will start the journey to create the new ‘YOU’. You will Visualize your LifePlan.
You will create a Blueprint for your life’s most important goals and reap the pleasure of being in the doing. You will move out of your stuck state, from inertia into moving towards your future as you visualize it.
The Bonus Programs will deepen your understanding of related concepts.
You will get 1-2-1 attention in your coaching session and you will be part of a rich and diverse community.
Remember ‘INDECISION’ is also a ‘DECISION’ !!